
The ladies of Black Girls Texting are self-proclaimed globetrotters—between the three of us, we’ve been to 5 continents and numerous countries. We travel with intention, passion and curiosity; we have gotten lost on city buses in Argentina, been blessed by Buddhist Monks in Cambodia and slicked our bodies in motor oil to play Jab Jab in Grenada. We especially value traveling within The Diaspora. And while traveling in groups can sometimes be…challenging, we cherish the opportunity to see the world alongside our girls.

Black Girls Traveling takes our mission to highlight the multiplicity of Black women’s experiences to a global scale, by celebrating the Black women who answer the call to see the world and those who are saving up for the day they can—while hopefully inspiring those haven’t done it yet to take the plunge. We regularly produce Black Girls Traveling episodes on trips we’ve taken individually and together, while offering travel tips, tricks and life lessons we’ve learned along the way.

As with everything we do, visibility is key.

Check out BGT’s trip to Aruba below!

Black Girls Texting (BGT) took a trip to the beautiful island of Aruba! Tag along as we learn some of the native language, eat delicious local food, and visi...